local data = exports.lation_chopshop:GetData()print(data.reputation) -- Peputation pointsprint(data.points) -- Mastery pointsprint(data.rep_since) -- Reputation earned since last mastery pointprint(data.dismantle_lvl) -- Dismantling levelprint(data.parts_lvl) -- Increased parts levelprint(data.lockpick_lvl) -- Lockpicking levelprint(data.payout_lvl) -- Increase vehicle sales levelprint(data.total_chopped) -- Total vehicles choppedprint(data.total_parts) -- Total parts receivedprint(data.total_money) -- Total money earned-- If only looking for a specific data type, can also be used like so:local reputation = exports.lation_chopshop:GetData('reputation')print(reputation)
IsChopping - Returns true or false if player is in a chopping mission
local isChopping = exports.lation_chopshop:IsChopping()if isChopping thenprint('Player is currently in a chopping mission')end
PoliceCount - Returns the number of police online
local count = exports.lation_chopshop:PoliceCount()print('There are ' ..count..' police online!')
RequestOrCancelAJob - Request a job as normal or cancel an active one
GetData - Returns data for player ID passed
-- source: Player IDlocal data = exports.lation_chopshop:GetData(source)print(data.reputation) -- Peputation pointsprint(data.points) -- Mastery pointsprint(data.rep_since) -- Reputation earned since last mastery pointprint(data.dismantle_lvl) -- Dismantling levelprint(data.parts_lvl) -- Increased parts levelprint(data.lockpick_lvl) -- Lockpicking levelprint(data.payout_lvl) -- Increase vehicle sales levelprint(data.total_chopped) -- Total vehicles choppedprint(data.total_parts) -- Total parts receivedprint(data.total_money) -- Total money earned-- If only looking for a specific data type, can also be used like so:local reputation = exports.lation_chopshop:GetData(source, 'reputation')print(reputation)
AddRep - Increments total amount of reputation player has
-- source: Player ID-- amount: How much reputation to add to playerexports.lation_chopshop:AddRep(source, amount)
AddVehicle - Increments total vehicles chopped count
-- source: Player ID-- amount: How many to add to total_vehicles countexports.lation_chopshop:AddVehicle(source, amount)
AddParts - Increments total parts received count
-- source: Player ID-- amount: How many to add to total_parts countexports.lation_chopshop:AddParts(source, amount)
AddSale - Increments total money earned count
-- source: Player ID-- amount: How much to add to total_money countexports.lation_chopshop:AddSale(source, amount)