Install Instructions
Last updated
Last updated
Automatic SQL Injection
You'll notice in your lation_chopshop/install directory a file named lation_chopshop.sql - you do not need to import this manually into your database. Upon starting your server (or just the resource) it will automatically create and setup the necessary database table for you if it doesn't exist already.
There are three dependencies (other resources) required to get Advanced Chop Shop installed properly & working: oxmysql, ox_lib and a target resource such as ox_target, qb-target or qtarget. You may already have these installed, but please double check & ensure you have the latest version of each.
Important Notice
It is vitally important to ensure you start each resource in the correct order in your server.cfg. To begin, "oxmysql" should be one of, if not, the first resource started, followed by "ox_lib" - both of these should be started even before your framework (qb-core or es_extended). After those are started (and your framework core) the next should be your target.
Next up, simply navigate to lation_chopshop/install/items directory (or look below this message) and find your respective inventory resource. Open the text file (or expand the drop-down menu) and copy and paste the items into your inventory resource's item directory.
Where do I add items in my inventory?
If you are unsure exactly where and how to add items into your inventory, just expand the drop down menu for your inventory and at the top will tell you where you need to copy the items too!
Very similar to step one, except this time we will be adding the images for each item we added above into our respective inventory directories for images. Navigate to lation_chopshop/install/images to find all the images or download the ZIP file attached below then follow the instructions
The second to last step to get everything working for your unique server is to open the config.lua file and assign a proper value to Config.Target, as seen below:
Furthermore, there are countless other configurations that can be made in the config file to customize the script to your liking and fit your server's specific needs! Every option in the config is detailed with comments explaining the use & effects of each option - so please read diligently and carefully.
The final step is simple - drag and drop the lation_chopshop resource into your main resources directory or even a sub-folder. Open your server.cfg and add "ensure lation_chopshop" to the bottom. As mentioned above, resource start order is vitally important and you must ensure that lation_chopshop is started after all dependencies (and your framework).
Lastly - save, restart your server & enjoy the most premium chop shop script on FiveM!