💉 Meth CraftingCommon Issues


Find solutions and troubleshooting tips to common issues below.

TextUI does not go away

You are on an outdated version of ox_lib and must update to the latest.

No such export ClearStash in resource qb-inventory

You are on an outdated version of qb-inventory and must update to the latest.

SCRIPT ERROR: ?:-1 attempt to compare nil with number

You are obtaining the chemical items (ammonia, iodine or acetone) incorrectly. You cannot spawn these items. You must obtain them properly to ensure their metadata is intact. To do this, simply spawn the ls_supply_crate and open them until you got the items you need.

I’m using ox_core and my items don’t work

You have not correctly implemented the item data, visit our Ox Framework guides page and follow the instructions.

My issue isn’t listed here

Please open a support ticket in our Discord or email us at support@lationscripts.com.