💉 Meth CraftingGuidesOx Framework

Ox Framework


The step below is required to make items usable on ox_core!

Add exports

In ox_inventory/data/items.lua add the following export(s) to the usable items:

['ls_meth_table'] = {
    label = 'Meth Table',
    weight = 1000,
    stack = false,
    consume = 0,
    server = {
        export = 'lation_meth.ls_meth_table'
['ls_gas_mask'] = {
    label = 'Gas Mask',
    weight = 150,
    stack = false,
    consume = 0,
    server = {
        export = 'lation_meth.ls_gas_mask'
['ls_supply_crate'] = {
    label = 'Supplies',
    weight = 1000,
    consume = 0,
    server = {
        export = 'lation_meth.ls_supply_crate'

Restart server
