The "props" table is where each stage can have their props assigned. In this example, you can see we are using the Purple colored prop for our Purple Haze strain. If you wanted to change what prop this strain uses, lets choose Haze in this example, simply update each stage ([1], [2] and [3]), like so:
[4] = {
label = 'Purple Haze Weed',
seed = 'purplehaze_seed',
bud = 'purplehaze_bud',
harvest = {
buds = { min = 4, max = 18 },
seeds = { min = 1, max = 3 }
props = {
[1] = 'shoe_shuffler_prop_weed_01_small_haze_01a', -- changed to haze small
[2] = 'shoe_shuffler_prop_weed_med_haze_01a', -- changed to haze medium
[3] = 'shoe_shuffler_prop_weed_lrg_haze_01a' -- changed to haze large
It's as easy as visiting which color prop you want from the above list, and copy & pasting each stage into the proper order into the config for the strain you want to change. And that's it! Save, restart your server & you're Purple Haze seeds plant will now be the Haze color.
Use Default GTA Props
If you are not interested in using the custom props and would prefer using the default GTA weed plant props, simply set the "props" for each strain in the config.lua to the following:
And that's it! Save, restart your server & all your strains will now use the default GTA weed props.
More Prop Options
If you are looking for even more colors (strains), we are partnered with Shuffle Shop who makes the props that are included in our Advanced Weed Growing resource. On Shuffle Shop, you can find even more options - be sure to use our exclusive coupon code: "LATIONSHUFFLER20" and save 20% on your purchase!