
Improve Renewed-Vehiclekeys compatibility with our Chop Shop

If you are looking to improve the compatibility of our Chop Shop script with Renewed-Vehiclekeys, then you are in the right spot! Below we'll describe how you can disable the ability to lockpick a vehicle as normal ensuring that your Chop Shop vehicle's are only unlockable through the proper means!

Step 1 - Getting Started

This process is very simple, but let's try to explain what we're going to accomplish here so you understand. We're going to use an export from our Exports page to determine if the player is currently trying to interact with the assigned chop vehicle. The export is:


What this does is when used in a line of code is returns true or false. It will return true if the player is currently attempting to interact with a vehicle they are assigned via the chopping mission. If it is not a vehicle assigned to them from the chopping mission it will return false. We can use this export to stop the players from completing certain actions, such as lockpicking a vehicle the normal method to ensure they use the proper method on the assigned vehicle.

Since we're talking about Renewed-Vehiclekeys specifically here, let's show you how to implement this into Renewed-Vehiclekeys properly.

Step 2 - Open Renewed-Vehiclekeys

Navigate to your server resources folder, find your Renewed-Vehiclekeys folder and open utils/client.lua. We need to find the utils.canLockpick function, which currently is on line 61 and looks like this:

--- Returns weather or not the player is allowed to lockpick this vehicle
---@param vehicle number
---@return boolean
function utils.canLockpick(vehicle)
    return true

All we need to do is add a single line above the return true part. So let's add our export here, right at the top, to stop them from lockpicking the chop vehicle the normal way when they are in a chopping mission. We can do that by simply editing this event to look like this:

--- Returns weather or not the player is allowed to lockpick this vehicle
---@param vehicle number
---@return boolean
function utils.canLockpick(vehicle)
    if exports.lation_chopshop:IsChopping() then return false end -- Add export here
    return true

Step 3 - Done

After adding in our export we can save, restart our server & try again - you'll notice now you will not be able to lockpick this vehicle via the normal method while you are in a chopping mission. You will have to use the proper method! However, with recent improvements, this export will allow you to continue to lockpick any vehicles that are not your assigned chop vehicle. Hope this helped!

Last updated