We provide various open source functions into our Advanced Money Laundering resource that enables you to add further customization and/or add third-party resource integrations.
The functions below can be found in lation_laundering/client/functions.lua
CanOpenMenu() - Function that allows or rejects a player from opening main menu
-- Function that allows or rejects a player from opening main menu
CanOpenMenu = function()
-- Example implementation to show how this works
-- First, we're checking if the player is dead
local dead = IsPedDeadOrDying(cache.ped, false)
-- If the variable "dead" is true, it'll return false below
-- Which will not allow the menu to open
if dead then
-- Here is where you would display a notification providing
-- Some information to the player about why the menu won't open
return false
-- If "dead" is false, then the code proceeds to here
-- Which now returns "true", allowing the menu to open
return true
CanBuyKey() - Function that allows or rejects a player from purchasing warehouse key
-- Function that allows or rejects a player from purchasing warehouse key
CanBuyKey = function()
-- This function works the same as the above CanOpenMenu
-- Except obviously for the purchasing of the warehouse key
-- We'll provide another example implementation below:
-- Let's say we wanted to restrict buying keys to gangs only
-- You would obviously replace "true" with your gang system export
-- That would check if a player was in a gang or not
local inGang = true
-- Next we add an if-then statement below, so if not inGang then..
if not inGang then
-- We return false! Thus not allowing the player to purchase
-- A warehouse key if they are not a gang member. We would also
-- Likely inform the player here with a notification like:
-- ShowNotification('You must be a gang member to purchase this', 'error')
return false
-- If the player IS a gang member, then we'll make it to this part of
-- The code and then simply return true, allowing them to purchase a key
return true
CanEnterWarehouse() - Function that runs to verify conditions before allowing entry
-- Function that runs to verify conditions before allowing warehouse entry
CanEnterWarehouse = function()
-- Initialize variables
local result, isPolice = true, false
-- Check if police exception exists
if Config.Police.warehouseAccess then
local player = GetPlayerData()
for _, job in pairs(Config.Police.jobs) do
if player.job.name == job then
isPolice = true
-- Check if player has the key
local hasKey = HasItem(Config.Items.key, 1)
if not hasKey and not isPolice then
ShowNotification(Strings.Notify.notAuthorized, 'error')
result = false
-- Check if we're enforcing level requirement
if Config.Warehouse.requireLvl then
local level = exports.lation_laundering:GetData('level')
if level < Config.Warehouse.unlockAt and not isPolice then
ShowNotification(Strings.Notify.notAuthorized, 'error')
result = false
-- If you want to add custom requirements to entering the warehouse
-- This is where you would make that happen
return result
StartedCounting() - Function that's triggered when started counting money
-- Function that's triggered when started counting money
-- This function can be used for anything, but by default
-- It disables the ability to open your inventory during
-- The money counting process
StartedCounting = function()
-- Check if ox_inventory is running
if GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started' then
LocalPlayer.state.invBusy = true
-- Check if qb-inventory is running
if GetResourceState('qb-inventory') == 'started' then
LocalPlayer.state.inv_busy = true
-- Check if qs-inventory is running
if GetResourceState('qs-inventory') == 'started' then
StoppedCounting() - Function that's triggered when stopped counting money
-- Function that's triggered when stopped counting money
-- As mentioned above, this function can be used for anything
-- After a player has completed counting money, it will
-- Re-enable access to their inventory
StoppedCounting = function()
-- Check if ox_inventory is running
if GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started' then
LocalPlayer.state.invBusy = false
-- Check if qb-inventory is running
if GetResourceState('qb-inventory') == 'started' then
LocalPlayer.state.inv_busy = false
-- Check if qs-inventory is running
if GetResourceState('qs-inventory') == 'started' then
StartedLaundering() - Function that's triggered when starting contracts
-- Function that's triggered when starting contracts
StartedLaundering = function()
StoppedLaundering() - Function that's triggered when stopped contracts
-- Function that's triggered when stopping contracts
StoppedLaundering = function()