
We provide various open source functions into our Advanced Scuba Diving resource that enables you to add further customization and/or add third-party resource integrations such as XP systems.

BoatRented() - Empty function that's triggered when a boat is rented.

-- Empty function that's triggered when a boat is rented
--- @param source number Player ID
BoatRented = function(source)


GearPurchased() - Empty function that's triggered when Scuba Gear is purchased.

-- Empty function that's triggered when Scuba Gear is purchased
--- @param source number Player ID
GearPurchased = function(source)


GroupCreated() - Empty function that's triggered when a group is created.

-- Empty function that's triggered when a group is created
--- @param source number Player ID
GroupCreated = function(source)


CrateFound() - Empty function that's triggered when a crate is found.

-- Empty function that's triggered when a crate is found
--- @param source number Player ID
CrateFound = function(source)


CrateOpened() - Empty function that's triggered when a crate is opened.

-- Empty function that's triggered when a crate is opened
--- @param source number Player ID
CrateOpened = function(source)


All the above functions can be found in lation_diving/server/functions.lua and gives you virtually limitless options for custom additions, third-party resource integrations & more!


It is important to note: any and all edits made in these various functions are your responsibility. We do not provide support for, nor assist with, adding or editing custom functionality into our resources.

Last updated